The cash policy

that puts you in control

Introducing Machankura Cover

The cash policy

that puts you in control

Introducing Machankura Cover

Get cash paid directly to you

Get cash

paid directly to you

With our new product offering, all valid claims are paid out in cash directly to you. This means you have more control over the repair process – empowering you to make the final decision about how your claim payment is spent.

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Why Machankura Cover?


Machankura Cover?

  • Quick claim turnaround (cash in your hands for the repairs)
  • You choose your own repairers
  • You take full control of the repair process directly with the repairers of your choice
  • Affordable and competitive premiums
  • Tailor-made package for your settled vehicle

Your cover explained

Your cover


Accident Cover

Includes total loss. The claim amount will be the lesser of the assessed amount or 40% of the retail value (as per the TransUnion Dealers’ Guide). Windscreen cover excluded.

Theft & Hijacking Cover

Covered up to 40% of the retail value.

Third Party Cover

Cover limited to R200 000.

Extra Benefit: Accident Assist

If your vehicle is involved in an accident and the claim is valid, we will reimburse you for the cost of towing as per the limit noted on your schedule.

Excess payable

A standard excess of R5 000 is payable on all claims.
Mobalyz Risk Services (Pty) Ltd (FSP 29354) is an authorised financial services provider and all products are underwritten by Guardrisk Insurance Company Ltd, a licensed non-life insurer and registered financial services provider (FSP 75).


  • This policy is only available on non-financed vehicles.
  • The sum insured must be less than or equal to R200 000 (including the value of the accessories), or the vehicle age must be 10 years or older.
  • Further terms and conditions are applicable and available on request.