Through many years of experience in the taxi industry, SA Taxi has built a deep understanding of this vital industry. That is why we have pulled out all the stops to offer bespoke insurance that’s specifically designed to meet your needs as a Taxipreneur. SA Taxi looks for every reason to pay your claim.
We have seamless processes and quick turnaround times
We do everything in our power to keep your business on the road
We have low excess structures and even lower premiums!
We will provide you with a daily income and pay for your finance instalments while your taxi is being repaired
We give you access to telephonic legal advice
Mobalyz Risk Services (Pty) Ltd (FSP 29354) is an authorised financial services provider and all products are underwritten by Guardrisk Insurance Company Ltd.
National Financial Ombud Scheme South Africa NPC. Registration Number: 2023/162407/08
JHB Physical Address: 110 Oxford Road, Houghton Estate, Illovo, Johannesburg, 2198
CPT Physical Address: Claremont Central Building, 6th Floor, 6 Vineyard Road, Claremont, 7708
Tel: 0860 800 900.